Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 
I'm just gonna start by saying it: I love Peter Jackson. While The Hobbit is literally filming "right now" (seriously as I'm typing and as you're reading they are filming) Peter Jackson gives us constant glimpses of the process of making The Hobbit. Jackson will be posting video blogs constantly throughout the 2-film project on his facebook page, we will be posting each blog as well. And we have the first of many blogs below.
Jackson gives us amazing looks at the set of Bag End, Small insights to Rivendell, and the set of the Misty Mountain Caves. He brings us in for a close look at the costume designing for the Dwarfs and gives us a quick peak of a variety of weapons. We also get to see the cast, like Martin Freeman (Bilbo), Ian McKellen (Gandalf) and Andy Serkis (Gollum) as they prepare for the first day of filming. And the ending makes me leap for joy as Freeman gives us a taste of whats to come, with a Bilbo Baggins voice-over. For just the first blog, I am already dying to see this movie. Those 10 minutes just make me want more! I Want More!!!

The Hobbit comes to theaters November 2012 and stars Cate Blanchett, Saoirse Ronan, Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, Martin Freeman, David Tennant, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee and Andy Serkis. The film is directed by Peter Jackson.